Beauty Products

A fresh new year is here if you can believe it! Along with it comes new resolutions to hopefully create better lives for ourselves. I’m actually not particularly big on resolutions, I believe in living the best life I can everyday. However, I do love the clean slate feeling a new year brings!

This is the perfect time of year to give your beauty products a makeover! Cosmetics expire like other perishable items. Taking the time to sort your items and ditch the old will make space for the new and keep your skin in beautiful shape!

Unused Products

Products you haven’t used in the past year is an easy place to start. We all have a statement lipstick we’ve bought for that one occasion but then didn’t wear it and will probably never will. Makeup pallets we didn’t quite get around to using. If you haven’t worn it by now your not going to.

You know what you like, so simplify your life and your vanity, and dump the rest you thought you might like.


Expired Dates

Makeup and creams can last far longer than the expire dates so take a close look at your sunscreens, beauty creams, and serums. Nothing is worse than a cream that makes your face break out because you kept it past the expiry date. The potency of sunscreens will drop considerably after 1 year. If you do not see an expiration date on an item when you buy it, write the day you bought it on the package with a sharpie then at the end of a year you can toss it.

Makeup Brushes & Sponges

Professional makeup artists clean their brushes after each use to prevent germs and keep their products pristine. I’m so guilty of using my makeup brushes and not cleaning them way past their prime! Either clean them with gentle brush cleaner now or use a gift card to buy new ones! Sponges should be thrown out after a couple of uses.


You should be even more diligent with Products that are applied right next to your eyeball. Bacteria that builds up on the brush from being taken in and out can cause redness, itching and even conjunctivitis. Replace your mascara every 3-4 months.

Foundation & Concealer

Bacteria and germs love the water-based products! As result, foundation has a shelf life of 6-12 months after it’s been opened. Concealer and powder will be should, however, be good for around 2 years. These expired products can cause skin irritations and breakouts.

I’ve listed some of my favorite basics below to help you with your beauty refresh. You can also visit my Beauty Shop Page for more!

Thanks so much for reading!

xx- Tammy

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